t shirt embroidery, shirt embroidery, embroidery on shirts


In this collaboration local based in Brooklyn, Four Hands Embroidery partnered with THE SERIES to bring their vision to life. Utilizing their expertise in custom shirt embroidery and custom t-shirt embroidery, Four Hands Embroidery skillfully embroidered and digitized THE SERIES' logo and the empowering statement "Just Dump Him." onto vintage t-shirts.

THE SERIES, founded in 2016 by Ella Wiznia, emerged during her recovery from an eating disorder. Ella recognized the harmful effects of images portraying unhealthy and unrealistic bodies on individuals and society as a whole. Concurrently, she became aware of the environmental impact caused by the fashion industry. In response, Ella made a commitment to exclusively use preexisting and found materials as a form of protest.

At the heart of THE SERIES brand is the exploration of mediums and materials traditionally associated with craft and domesticity. These materials have often been marginalized and undervalued due to their connection to women's labor within the home. By repurposing crochet blankets, quilt tops, embroidery samplers, and bedding, THE SERIES grants these objects a renewed purpose as unique, wearable garments, extending their lifespan beyond the domestic realm. This deliberate effort aims to elevate and reassess the value of these materials while challenging conventional notions of femininity and craftsmanship.


